1. You are not hungry

Depression is a mental illness that makes you feel sad, hopeless, and discouraged most of the time. It can also interfere with your daily activities like eating and sleeping.
Losing your appetite can be a sign of several health conditions, including stress, depression and cancer. It can also be an adverse reaction to certain medications.
2. You don't like the taste of food
People with depression may find it difficult to appreciate the taste of their favorite foods due to changes in serotonin and norepinephrine levels in their brains.
3. You don't feel like eating
Depression can cause people to avoid food or find it to taste unpleasant. This makes it difficult for them to obtain the nutrients necessary for optimal health.
However, there are ways to manage depression-related eating difficulties and still get enough nutrition. Health experts suggest keeping high-calorie, high-protein snacks on hand and eating smaller meals more frequently.