1. Sit

Although it may seem silly, teaching your puppy to sit is the first thing you should do. It is an effective way to develop self-control and focus on yourself when necessary.
Start by rewarding your dog with a treat when he sits. Hold the treat in one hand and place it right above his nose.
Once your dog consistently responds to the hand lure, it's time to move on to verbal cues. Depending on your puppy's breed and his previous training experiences, this process can take anywhere from several weeks to months.
2. Stay still

One of the most important skills for any dog is to stay still. Not only does it provide support while teaching other commands, but it also shows your pup that you value his loyalty and trust in you.
Teaching them this can be a difficult command for young canines, but with patience and repetition you will get them to sit still successfully. Start by teaching them short, basic stays and calmly reward them when they remain still.
Once they have mastered short stays, you can work on increasing the distance during each one. Start with half-second steps and gradually increase both the time and distance requested by adding one step at a time.
3.Lie down

A fundamental command for every dog to learn is to lie down or lie down. It can be useful in many scenarios, such as relieving a puppy of anxiety or keeping them out of trouble.
Teaching your dog to lie down can be a challenging task for some canines. They may resist getting on the ground at first or staying there too long.
Starting slowly and increasing your time in the lying position is key. If they have difficulty answering, take a break and try again later.

One of the most important signals you can teach your dog is "come." Not only will it keep them safe, but it will also build a solid foundation for more advanced behaviors in the future.
To help them learn this skill, reward them with highly rewarding treats when they complete each command. Some dogs may take longer than others to master this command, but with consistent training it should become a habit within a month or two.
Start by asking a friend or family member to stand 10 feet away from your dog. Throw a treat towards them and click when the pup approaches.