Lack of appetite

Lack of appetite is one of the first indications that your dog has parvovirus. This occurs because the virus can cause an abrupt decrease in the white blood cell count in the animal's immune system.
Vaccines can help prevent the disease, and keeping food and water dishes clean and away from people and other animals also helps.
If after 24 hours your puppy is still not eating, it may be necessary to go to the veterinarian to identify the cause. It could be an infection, stress, or medical problem.
Threw up

Parvovirus is an infection of the digestive tract, especially the small intestine. This can cause various symptoms in dogs such as vomiting and diarrhea.
When a dog vomits, he is forcing stomach and intestinal contents into his esophagus through his mouth. This pushes these stomach contents into the airways, which could make it difficult to breathe or cause coughing.
Although a single episode of vomiting in your pet may resolve on its own, it is important to watch for other signs of illness and seek medical help if your pet shows any other symptoms such as lethargy or lack of appetite.

Parvovirus, a highly contagious virus, is the leading cause of severe gastroenteritis in young puppies and unvaccinated dogs. It also frequently causes gastrointestinal problems in dogs housed in kennels; Therefore, if you suspect your puppy has parvovirus, be sure to contact your veterinarian immediately.

Lethargy is a feeling of exhaustion and lack of energy, which could indicate an underlying medical condition or simply be due to excess activity.
According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, dogs typically show clinical signs of parvovirus three to 10 days after exposure to the virus. This is because infected dogs begin to shed the virus a few days before developing clinical symptoms.