whey protein

Protein is an essential nutrient that the body needs to build and maintain muscle mass. Additionally, it helps keep the immune system strong and organs functioning optimally.
Whey protein, a byproduct of cheese production, is often added to shakes, meal replacements, or bars as a powder. It is considered a complete protein and high in leucine - an amino acid that helps in muscle building and repair - as well as other essential amino acids.

Casein is a protein commonly found in milk. It is present in all bovine and goat milk, as well as many other dairy products such as cream, half cream, ice cream and yogurt.
Casein is an ideal choice because it is a complete protein; which means that it provides all the amino acids necessary for the body. Additionally, it has low levels of fat and carbohydrates - making it suitable for those looking to lose a few kilos.
Plant Based

Plant-based proteins can help with muscle building by increasing metabolism and decreasing cardiovascular inflammatory risk. They are also high in fiber which can make you feel full more quickly, preventing you from eating too much.
They can also be great for reducing your exposure to heavy metals like arsenic, mercury, and cadmium; which have been linked to cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Fortunately, plant-based protein sources tend to contain less of these toxic metals than animal protein powders.
Plant-based proteins not only build muscle mass, but can also help with weight loss. Studies have shown that diets rich in plant proteins burn more calories than those composed solely of animal proteins.