Fried foods

Frying is the process of cooking food in oil or fat. A wide variety of foods can be fried, such as meats, potatoes, fruits and vegetables.
A recent study in Spain found that eating fried foods repeatedly over a period of time worsened blood pressure. Additionally, research conducted in Korea discovered an association between high consumption of fried foods and hypertension.
Frozen scenes

Frozen dinners may be convenient and easy to prepare, but they may contain preservatives that are harmful to your health. Many are high in sodium or saturated fat - both of which could contribute to or worsen high blood pressure levels.
If you're trying to reduce your sodium intake, Johna Bordeos RD suggests selecting frozen meals with less than 600 milligrams per serving. That's about half the recommended content for a single meal according to the Bordeaux advice.

Coffee and other caffeinated drinks can cause the muscles in the artery walls to contract, leading to higher blood pressure. This could be because caffeine inhibits a hormone responsible for maintaining arterial widening.
A temporary increase in blood pressure usually lasts 3 hours. Although not harmful, it is wise to monitor your response to caffeine consumption.
Although the temporary increase in blood pressure may last only a short time, those who drink coffee regularly may develop a tolerance to its caffeine effects. Therefore, even if your blood pressure is normal, it is wise to limit your consumption - especially if you are taking medications that slow the metabolism of caffeine.

Alcohol can raise blood pressure, increasing the likelihood of heart disease and stroke. It also puts you at higher risk for other health problems such as liver disease, stomach ulcers, and certain types of cancer.
Maintaining a healthy diet and exercising can help lower your blood pressure; Therefore, it is important to talk to your doctor about ways to regulate your alcohol consumption. The goal should be to drink moderately rather than getting drunk or consuming large amounts.