4.The Largest Family

This Indian family from the state of Mizoram is considered the largest on planet Earth. The immense chief Zion Chan married 39 women, collectively having at least 94 children. A man along with all his wives live together in a huge four-story house. Despite the fact that Zion is now a grandfather and has 33 grandchildren he still feels young and impetuous. A few years ago he was planning to get married again which means he may currently have well over a hundred children!
5.The Highest Family

The Minnesota-based Trapp Family has officially become The Tallest Family in the World. The youngest member of the Trapps, 25-year-old Adam is surprisingly the tallest of the group standing at 7'3" and probably looking down on us mortals. According to Guinness World Records representatives, his average height was measured at 6 feet, 8.03 inches.