Throw pancakes

Regular pancake tossing competitions are held around the world, with the world championships held in the United Kingdom. Their motto is "Throw high and throw well." If you really want to flip pancakes, you should consider coming to Olney, Buckinghamshire, where people have been flipping pancakes for over 550 years.
bull poker

Bull Poker is a unique, adrenaline-filled sport that combines poker with rodeo. In this unusual game, a group of people sit around a table in the middle of a rodeo and play poker. The problem is that the table is placed right in the path of a charging bull. When the bull is released into the arena, participants must try to maintain their composure, continue playing poker, and avoid being trampled by the bull.

Chess boxing is a sport that challenges the stereotype that chess players can't fight and boxers can't play chess. The match consists of 11 rounds: in the even-numbered rounds, athletes compete in traditional boxing, while in the odd-numbered rounds they play chess. Boxing rounds last two minutes, chess rounds last four, and there is a one-minute break between “bouts.” Additionally, the match can be concluded prematurely by knockout or checkmate. This unique sport requires both physical stamina and strategic thinking, adding a strategic element to the sport of boxing.