oil wrestling

The main activity of this sport is for wrestlers to lubricate themselves and participate in matches. This fight is celebrated annually for three days in Kirkpinar. To find out who will become the champion, the best fighters travel to that place.
Rolls with cheese

This competition is held on Cooper's Hill, a hill in the United Kingdom. The competition basically consists of the competitors going up the hill and lining up. A huge wheel of cheese rolls down the hill when everyone is ready to leave, and the others follow. Cheese can travel between 70 and 100 km/h, making it quite difficult to capture. Whoever reaches the cheese first wins.
Jump with belly

In Norway there is a competition in which participants must jump into the ocean, but not just any jump: they must land on their belly! All the contestants need to know is how to do a belly flop into a pool; no particular skills are required. The one who makes the most waves and splashes during his jump wins.