Grits Swimming

During grits swimming competitions, participants dive into a pool filled with grits. Each participant has ten seconds to collect as much of the thick substance as possible. Competitors are weighed before and after swimming. The winner is the one with the most sand.
Cherry Spitting Championship

The game may seem simple and fun, but it has unexpectedly strict rules that have developed over the years of holding the championship. For example, it is prohibited to have any object in your mouth that could help you spit more. The cherries must be of the same variety (“Montmorency”) and be at a certain temperature (between 12 and 15 degrees Celsius). Participants should keep their palms under their shoulders to avoid the possibility of slapping their cheeks and further speeding up the pit.
Wrestling with mashed potatoes

Mashed potatoes may not be the most common choice for a wrestling medium compared to gelatin or spaghetti. However, at festivals in Minnesota, South Dakota, and Maine, that's exactly what they use. Mashed potato wrestling competitions are held in canvas pools. The details may vary depending on the festival, but usually the winner is declared who can turn his opponent face up. When the competition is over, the mashed potatoes are usually given to the cattle.