The kidneys help the body eliminate waste and excess water by acting as a natural filter. They also support the preservation of pH balance and proper electrolyte balance. Kidney cleansing is vital, although liver and colon cleanses receive much more attention. Here are four methods to help your kidneys stay healthy and remove toxins from your body.
Cranberry juice is possibly one of the best foods to help cleanse the kidneys, although there are many others that can help as well. It is well known to protect the urinary system, fight urinary tract infections, and remove excess calcium oxalate, which can be a factor in the development of kidney stones.
Proanthocyanidins, hydroxycinnamic acids, and flavonols are just some of the antioxidants found in abundance in the berries of the cranberry plant Vaccinium macrocarpum. These substances have the ability to prevent germs that normally cause urinary tract infections from sticking to the lining of the urethra and bladder.
Bacteria such as Escherichia coli can attach to the cells lining the urinary system and cause urinary tract infections. By causing the fimbriae of the E. coli bacteria to coil, cranberry juice can inhibit this from happening and prevent the bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract (16). Additionally, beneficial options for cleansing the kidneys are beet juice and dandelion root tea. To aid digestion and reduce waste entry into the kidneys, these two drinks increase bile production.
Numerous herbal infusions are effective for cleansing the kidneys. You can purchase these natural cures online or in health food stores. They are also available as supplements or tinctures. It is essential to consult a dietician or her doctor before beginning any herbal kidney cleansing regimen. You may be advised to follow a restricted diet for a predetermined period of time or to stay away from certain foods.
One of the best herbs for cleansing the kidneys is parsley. In addition to being rich in antioxidants, it also has a natural diuretic that helps increase urine production. As part of your daily routine, have a cup of parsley tea.
Another excellent herb for cleansing the kidneys is garlic. It contains a lot of chromium, an important mineral that can reduce inflammation and prevent blood clots. It also has a lot of vitamin C, which is another diuretic. You can include garlic in your meals or take it as a supplement.