El Jet Arco Iris Make-A-Wish

The colorful rainbow plane is hard to miss. It is a Lear Jet 35 model that was kindly donated by International Jet Aviation, a Denver charter and management company, and is known as "Dream Chaser 5." The unique model offers exciting flights to seriously ill young people abroad upon request. Since 1990, the company has operated this inspiring service, alternating between different types of aircraft. Shown above is the retired aircraft's latest stellar performance from 2019. This aircraft was appreciated for both its artwork and its service to sick children. For the next issue, we don't know what it could be used for...
NATO Tiger Meet
During the NATO Tiger Meet international training procedure in 2003 (which has half a century of operational experience), we were introduced to this ferociously terrifying creature. This Mirage 2000RDI 83/12-YL is one of the most impressive and amazing military pieces we have ever seen, and comes from the EX 1/12 host unit. Inspiring attention to detail is evident here, with the big cat's eyes a fearsome and impressive focal point. Don't be fooled by this epic but misleading piece, as the Mirage ended up being a flop before it could take off. That's why the following animal-eyed fighter is so notable.