42 Of The World's Most Interesting Airplane Bookshelf Designs

toothy trips

If you are afraid of sharks, you may need to seriously consider missing this particular flight. Most of the commercial airplane artwork we've seen so far is pretty kid-friendly, but this monster piece of art is simply stunning. Perhaps this mega-shark would have been better suited for a military aircraft, but we love it all the same. Well, that's enough of the public side of aeronautical art; Let us now return to the delights of fighters.

Digital Aces

Both images do not show the same aircraft: the one above is a Russian Su-57 and the one below is a US Air Force F-16. Despite having been bitter rivals during the Cold War, today they maintain a cold peace; However, the two superpowers have a curious habit of investing large sums in each other's military developments. No design or concept can be expected to go unnoticed by each other's spy networks, even when it comes to paint jobs.