42 Of The World's Most Interesting Airplane Bookshelf Designs

flying droids

R2D2 was the faithful guide to Anakin Skywalker's X-Wing ship, so it's only fitting that Disney and All Nippon Airways have teamed up to bring you an entire plane dedicated to the lovable robot. The force was certainly present with this artist, who brought the iconic droid's details to life throughout the aircraft. Star Trek fans may have to wait for their own plane, but until then, Star Wars reigns supreme!

Jackson Pollock's plane

Here we have an unusual airliner and a rare sight for this list. The M3 Charter Jet is a highly exclusive private jet, and this particular model looks like it was boarded by Jackson Pollock. With its lime green base and huge splashes of yellow, red, blue and black paint, this is a flight you won't forget - as long as you can afford the ticket! Someday you will be able...