42 Of The World's Most Interesting Airplane Bookshelf Designs

Super fast and bubbly

Don't be fooled by this charming Pepsi advertising design; the Concorde remained a highly lethal aircraft destined for landfill. Well, at least Pepsi got something impressive for advertising out of him throughout the process. Comically, the Concorde could only reach its top speeds if it was painted white, meaning the heavy blue coats actually dragged behind the Pepsi aircraft. However, it could still reach the maximum speed of Mach 1.7.

To infinity and beyond!

Kids and adults alike were thrilled to see one of the world's favorite heroes: Buzz Lightyear really flying through the skies! This spectacular scene was brought to life thanks to a partnership between Pixar and China Eastern Airlines. The icing on the cake for passengers was receiving themed passes to board this Toy Story-inspired delight. Having a souvenir of this extraordinary flight is a lovely touch, don't you think?