42 Of The World's Most Interesting Airplane Bookshelf Designs

El Águila Más Rápida Viva

Given the Oregon National Guard's obvious pride in their state's natural wonders, it makes sense that they painted a majestic bald eagle on one of their F-15E fighters. Rightly so, as the F-15 Eagle cannot be matched when it comes to performance and offensiveness. The maiden flight of the unique fighter was enjoyed in 1972 and continues to be reliably deployed by both the US Air National Guard and the US Air Force.

On the wings of a butterfly

You'll be hard-pressed to find many butterflies on the desolate plains of Arizona, except for this remarkably large one. We love the model airplane feel of this private aircraft, with a refreshing tropical mix of red, yellow and orange gradients, all nicely framed with light blue borders and fuzzy white finishes. It can be frighteningly hot in the Arizona desert, so you might want to cool off with an ice-cold glass of Pepsi...