29 Airports With Special Locations Around The World

20. Kai Tak Airport (Hong Kong)

While this airport may have seen its last flight in 1998, this closed glider center in Hong Kong still deserves mention due to its historic hair-raising landings of the past. Its surrounding terrain consisted mainly of mountainous areas and a vibrant city below. The incoming flights seemed to skim the tops of buildings and roads as they continued on their way; making each flight a near catastrophe for Kai Tak. This airport was also prone to unfavorable wind patterns for flying and could only be landed manually by pilots.

21. Agatti Aerodrome/Airport (India)

A small airport surrounded by crystal-clear waters and palm-dotted beaches, it's hard to imagine anything scary about this corner of coastal paradise. The small landing strip, with an approximate length of 1219 meters, available on Agatti Island is a small space for a plane to land quickly.